Fox Body Door Handle Replacement

The Problem

One of the most common problems with Fox Bodies is broken exterior door handles. The factory handles are made of plastic parts. Most Fox’s will eventually have one or both of their door handles fail. Read on to learn how to replace a Fox Body door handle.

The Solution

Many of the online Mustang supply houses sell similar door handles.  I like this Fox Body Mustang replacement handle that I found on Amazon is made of metal and not plastic like the factory handle. At the time I wrote this article the passenger side handle was under $10 on Amazon. I have Amazon Prime so two day shipping was free. The handle arrived on time and was well packaged.

Fox Body Replacement Door Handle

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Installation Process

Installing the new door handle isn’t too hard but you do need a selection of hand tools. Please note that I went with screws instead of rivets for securing my door handle. The rivets are installed with a special large rivet tool. There wasn’t much sense in spending a bunch of money on a tool that I would use once. Instead I used two 1/4-20 button head cap screws, washers and nylock nuts for extra holding power. You can user regular nuts and some thread sealer if you wish. The small screws work just as well as the rivets. You can pick these up at your local hardware store. My instructions will focus on using the screws.

If you want to use rivets to install your door handles with rivets, I did find this large rivet gun that’s priced much cheaper than the ones Mustang parts houses sell.

Required Hardware

  • (2)  1/4-20 button head screws
  • (2)  1/4-20 nylock nuts (standard nuts will work)
  • (2)  1/4-20 washers

Removing The Old Door Handle

  1. Use a small flathead screwdriver to remove the 2 small plastic caps covering the arm rest bolts.
  2. Remove the arm rest using a Philips screwdriver and 3/8″ nut driver or socket.
  3. Un-clip the power window and power lock connections.
  4. Remove the screw(s) holding the speaker cover on.
  5. Remove the screw holding the interior door handle trim piece.
  6. Carefully pry the door panel away from the door. Use a panel trim tool if necessary.
  7. To protect the car’s paint use masking tape to cover the area around the exterior door handle.
  8. Use a center drill or center punch to create a start for a drill.
  9. Drill out the center of the two factory rivets that securing the old door handle. Start with a 1/8″ drill and work up to a 1/4″ drill bit.
  10. You may have to use a screwdriver to pry the old rivets out.
  11. Remove the old door handle by pushing the actuator rod inside the door down.

Installing The New Door Handle

  1. Place the new door handle into position making sure the actuator rod goes through the hole in the new handle.
  2. Using a 7/16″ combination wrench and 5/32″ hex wrench install the two screws, washers and nuts and just snug them up.
  3. Make sure the handle is properly lined up and tighten the screws. (I used thread locker to ensure that the screws don’t come loose.)
  4. Test the door handle a few times to make sure it works correctly.
  5. Replace the door panel using new clips if the old ones are worn out.
  6. Reinstall the speaker cover.
  7. Replace the interior door handle trim piece.
  8. Replace the arm rest making sure to reconnect the electrical connections.
  9. Pop back in the two small plastic caps that cover the arm rest bolts.
  10. Remove the masking tape and admire your work!
Fox Body Door Handle
Hardware used instead of rivets.

Installed Fox Body Replacement Door Handle

I recommend this door handle to anyone needing to replace their Fox Body door handle. It is made of metal which means it will last a long time. Installation takes less than an hour. The fit and finish is very good. Currently, Amazon sells this handle for around $10. That’s much cheaper than online supply houses.

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