Everyone loves having the exterior of their home looking clean and like new. Power washing can help you rid your home of dirt, grime and mildew. Used improperly, a power washer can do severe damage to your home that you may not see right away. All too often we see homeowners blasting away at the surfaces of their home’s exteriors with high pressure blasts of water. That is NOT how professional pressure washing companies achieve excellent results in less time.
Professional Techniques
It’s really simple. Professionals use just enough pressure necessary to shoot water and cleaning agents onto the home’s surfaces. The cleaning agents do the majority of the work. Then, the cleaning agents and the dirt and grime are washed away using just enough pressure so as to reach the high points of the home.
Cleaning Agents
You can spend a ton on commercially available, expensive and poorly working pressure washing chemicals or use what professionals use. Professional pressure washers use sodium hypochlorite, otherwise know as chlorine bleach. It’s the same liquid used to keep swimming pools clean and clear. You can purchase it by the gallon at pool supply stores, hardware stores or even stores like Walmart or Target. Chlorine bleach will kill the green algae that grows on homes. Simply blasting algae away with pressure does not kill it. It will grown back in no time.
Mixing your own house wash is MUCH cheaper than buying poorly working home cleaning chemicals at the store. Below is the mix we use to achieve excellent results while cleaning our home’s exterior. A five gallon bucket makes a good container.
- 3 Gallons of Water
- 1 Gallon of Pool Shock Chlorine
- 1 Cup of Gain Liquid Laundry Soap
- 2 Cups of Fabuloso, Simple Green or Purple Power Cleaner